A View from the Front-Lines

Ransomware Impact Analysis

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard, illuminated in dark blue light

In our experience, after a ransomware attack takes place and the situation is resolved (generally after significant cost and service disruption), a post-mortem is conducted to fully comprehend the vulnerabilities and ensure it doesn’t happen again.

These sessions are often held with finger-pointing, and “we should have done x,y,z…” regrets.

But, what if you could conduct a POST-Mortem on a ransomware attack BEFORE one ever takes place? You could:

  • Reduce your organization’s ransomware attack surface
  • Recognize operational deficiencies in the management of ransomware-related risks
  • Prioritize security plans/ roadmaps
  • Partner with management to ensure appropriate investment is allocated to limit risk

L3 Networks is leading the way with a new Ransomware Impact Assessment (RIA) solution. A new offering to simulate a ransomware attack to uncover vulnerabilities. An overview of the process:

  1. A safe way to simulate a ransomware infection on your organization’s network
  2. A lightweight agent is installed on a designated “Patient Zero”
  3. A process implements the same tools, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that malicious attackers use to compromise victim’s environments
  4. The RIA propagates through the environment, tracking which TTPs were used to help you harden your environment against a real attack
  5. The analysis identifies factors that can reduce your organization’s likelihood of being hit by ransomware and ways to limit the damage if you are affected

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Here are a few more motivators that make taking this action BEFORE an attack even more motivating:

  • Ransomware costs organizations more than $70 billion per year
  • Ransomware attacks occur every 15 to 20 seconds
  • Three out of four ransomware victims had up-to-date endpoint protection when they were infected

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