A View from the Front-Lines

Top 5 Reasons For Vulnerability Scanning

Vibrant abstract light trails in blue, pink, and red on a dark background

Vulnerability scanning has emerged as a powerful tool to anticipate & mitigate security issues

Here are the top 5 reasons you should deploy a regular vulnerability scan for your business. It's one of the lowest cost, highest value actions you can take to identify and resolve security vulnerabilities.

  1. Defensive strategies have to constantly pivot as new threats emerge

    The security landscape is evolving every day. A sophisticated scan can give you immediate validation (or identify vulnerabilities) that you've got it covered

  2. Outside expertise can ensure true objectivity

    Using an objective software solution, and generally an objective expert to interpret, can bring a fresh perspective, and ultimately identify and resolve security issues quicker and more effectively

  3. Focus on the points of likely vulnerability

    Vulnerability scans help detect vulnerabilities within and between network perimeter and end-point security products - one of the most common source of security issues

  4. Cyber crime has risen dramatically in COVID-19 Pandemic Era

    Most breaches are through vulnerabilities 1+ years and older. Current protocols may not be identifying the real risk

  5. Our clients has seen real results

    The introduction of a vulnerability scan has led to the legitimate identification (and subsequent) resolution of issues with every single customer we've deployed it for!

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