A View from the Front-Lines

Avoid These Top 5 IT Mistakes

“Wrong Way” sign with an amber light
We work with 100s of companies, and often hear that we give them an "unfair advantage" - in managing their IT - which lets them focus their resources on growing their businesses.

In our experience, unfortunately, most companies make the same 5 mistakes in managing their IT. We’re sharing those here so you can benefit from our experience too.

  1. Approach & solutions are not comprehensive

    • A series of 'single benefit' solutions are implemented, which may do well to address that one challenge
    • However, a holistic review of vulnerabilities will show that risks are created specifically because there are so many individual solutions with integration and a comprehensive strategy
  2. Limited protection against data loss

    • Multi-layered security with a comprehensive disaster plan is essential to prevent data loss
    • Most internal teams under-consider the importance of disaster & recovery planning
  3. Poorly planned integration of new technology

    • The introduction of new technology can present risks to existing solutions
    • Detailed integration planning is required before the addition of any new technology or solution
  4. Outdated equipment & software

    • Most companies struggle to determine the right time to upgrade their hardware and systems
    • Putting off investments can lead to more significant (and costly) issues over time
  5. Lack of internal employee security measures

    • The root cause of nearly 50% of data breaches, employees (particularly if remote) open up a significant amount of attack vectors

With many of these challenges, internal teams often struggle to dedicate the resources beyond fighting the day-to-day fires. Combine increasingly complex IT environments with such a difficult hiring landscape, and it's a challenging time in IT.

Finding an IT partner for an assessment, strategy or management can be a transformative step in getting your organization to the next level.

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