A View from the Front-Lines

New From L3 Networks: Technology Acceleration

Vibrant light trails on a dark highway

Level up IT roadmap with Technology Acceleration

We often hear from mid or larger sized companies that they'd like to accelerate their IT strategy and relative contribution to the business. Many organizations are looking for:

  • Greater confidence in their IT function
  • Leadership that can connect IT to business strategy
  • An objective view outside of current vendor relationships
  • A tangible means of quantifying the (current & future) value of their IT organizations

We're introducing a new way of working with L3 Networks - designed around these real needs - and built to accelerate IT in your organization.

It's a flexible model that allows you to draw on our most Senior experts in a new way.

Though we know the needs will be different for each organization, here are 4 scenarios and how L3 Networks can be plugged in to help:

I'm at capacity managing the day-to-day and need help in building a strategic IT roadmap

  • - How can I strengthen alignment between business and IT strategy
  • - How can I set budgets and define measures of success that truly capture the value
  • - Where do I start and what are the best practices

Process & Outputs: our team will share the process and structure we've used successfully hundreds of times. We'll help draw out your business' unique priorities & provide the leadership needed to chart an ambitious path moving forward

I have a quarterly budget planning process and I need help getting it on the rails

  • - How should ROI be defined
  • - How can I effectively pitch for additional resources
  • - What should my reporting consist of for this regular frenquency of business updates

Process & Outputs: Our team will quickly get immersed in your business process, and lead the exercise of creating a set of standard strategy-setting and health metrics to elevate these conversations

My company is involved in M&A activity and I'd like to increase my strategic contribution

  • - How should we start evaluating the landscape of current systems
  • - How should we think about aggregating the needs of both organizations

Process & Outputs: Our experts can help provide an objective perspective on weighing the needs of both organizations as well as defining the process for scoping & making infrastructure recommendations

I have a vendor (or application) that I'm very dependent on, and I'd love some outside perspective

  • - Am I being advised with true 'industry best practices'
  • - Am I getting a realistic return/ ROI for this investment
  • - Are there other options I should bring to the table for consideration

Process & Outputs: we'll get an aggregated list of your requirements and help conduct a true value analysis. We'll consider the best practice options and provide detailed recommendations for optimization

The front-line experience of our team at L3 has experience with hundreds of companies across industries. If it's an organizational challenge, a technology challenge, a security challenge….we've seen it before.

Technology Acceleration is our most flexible offering yet to take advantage of L3 Networks as your unfair advantage to advance your IT capability.

Ready to give your business an advantage?